RudderTyper is a tool that lets you generate strongly-typed analytics library wrappers based on your Tracking Plans. Simply put, it uses an event from your specified tracking plan and generates an analytics call in the supported languages.
RudderTyper currently generates native clients for the following SDKs:
Allows you to contextualize your analytics instrumentation and validate it with your event spec, before deploying to production.
You can access and validate your event names, properties, types, etc.
It provides compile-time errors and warns you about any missing required properties, data mismatch, and any issues in the JSON schema configured in your tracking plan.
This feature is currently in a closed beta. If you're interested, contact your account representative for more information.
Get started
Run the following command to fire up a quick start wizard, create a ruddertyper.yml file, and generate your first client with the specified configuration details:
$ npx rudder-typer init | initialize | quickstart
Other commands
The following command syncs plan.json with RudderStack to pull the latest changes in your tracking plan and then generates an updated development client.
$ npx rudder-typer update | u | * (default)
Generate a development client
To generate a development client from plan.json, run the following command:
$ npx rudder-typer build | b | d | dev | development
Generate a production client
The following command generates a production client from plan.json:
$ npx rudder-typer prod | p | production
Print local RudderStack API token configuration
The following command prints the local RudderStack API token configuration.
$ npx rudder-typer token | tokens | t
The following command prints the RudderTyper CLI version:
$ npx rudder-typer version
To print the help message describing different commands available with RudderTyper, run the following command:
$ npx rudder-typer help
CLI arguments
An optional path to a ruddertyper.yml (or a directory with ruddertyper.yml).
An optional (hidden) flag for enabling Ink debug mode.
Standard --version flag to print the version of this CLI.
Standard -v flag to print the version of this CLI.
Standard --help flag to print help on a command.
Standard -h flag to print help on a command.
Configuration reference
RudderTyper stores its configuration in a ruddertyper.yml file in the root of your repository.
A sample configuration looks like the following:
# RudderStack RudderTyper Configuration Reference (
# Just run `npx rudder-typer` to re-generate a client with the latest versions of these events.
# You can supply a RudderStack API token using a `script.token` command. The output of `script.token` command should be a valid RudderStack API token.
token: source .env; echo $RUDDERTYPER_TOKEN
# You can supply email address linked to your workspace using a `` command.The output of `` command should be an email address registered with your workspace.
email: source .env: echo $EMAIL
# You can format any of RudderTyper's auto-generated files using a `script.after` command.
# See `Formatting Generated Files` below.
after: ./node_modules/.bin/prettier --write analytics/plan.json
# Which RudderStack SDK you are generating for.
# Valid values: analytics.js, analytics-node, analytics-ios, analytics-android.
sdk: analytics-node
# The target language for your RudderTyper client.
# Valid values: javascript, java, objective-c, swift.
language: javascript
# Javascript Transpilation Settings
# Valid values: 'ES3','ES5','ES2015','ES2016','ES2017','ES2018','ES2019','ESNext','Latest'
scriptTarget: 'ES6'
# Valid values: 'CommonJS','AMD','UMD','System','ES2015','ESNext'
moduleTarget: 'ESNext'
# The RudderStack Tracking Plan that you are generating a client for.
# Provide your workspace slug and Tracking Plan id
# You also need to supply a path to a directory to save your RudderTyper client.
- id: rs_QhWHOgp7xg8wkYxilH3scd2uRID
workspaceSlug: rudderstack-demo
path: ./analytics
Integrating RudderTyper-generated client with your app
This section includes the steps to integrate your RudderTyper-generated client with your app across different RudderStack SDKs.
RudderStack Android SDK
Import all the files in the client generated by RudderTyper as a package in your project.
Then, you can directly make the calls using the RudderTyper client as shown:
// Import your auto-generated RudderTyper client:
import com.rudderstack.generated.*
// Issue your first RudderTyper track call!
RudderStack iOS SDK
Import your RudderTyper client into your project using XCode.
If you have placed your generated files in a folder in your project, import the project as a group not a folder reference.
Then, you can directly make the calls using the RudderTyper client as shown:
// Import your auto-generated RudderTyper client:
#import "RSRudderTyperAnalytics.h"
// Issue your first RudderTyper track call!
[RSRudderTyperAnalytics orderCompletedWithOrderID: "ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c" total: @39.99];
RudderStack JavaScript SDK
RudderTyper now also supports TypeScript for generating clients for the JavaScript SDK. This feature is available from the version 1.0.0-beta.5.
Import the RudderTyper-generated client using require() and make the calls if your framework supports them. Alternatively, you can use Browserify to generate a bundle that supports your implementation. The implementation for each of the alternatives mentioned above will be as shown:
Using the require()method
JavaScript TypeScript
const rudderanalytics = require("rudder-sdk-js")
rudderanalytics.load(YOUR_WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL)
// Import your auto-generated RudderTyper client
const rudderTyper = require("./rudderTyperClient")
// Pass in your rudder-sdk-js instance to RudderTyper client
analytics: rudderanalytics,
// Issue your first RudderTyper track call
orderID: "ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c",
total: 39.99,
import * as rudderanalytics from "rudder-sdk-js"
import ruddertyper, { OrderCompleted } from "./ruddertyper"
rudderanalytics.load(YOUR_WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL)
ruddertyper.setRudderTyperOptions({ analytics: rudderanalytics });
const orderCompleted: OrderCompleted = {
"orderID": "ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c",
"total": 39.99
Using browserify
Execute the following command to generate a bundle from the RudderTyper client:
If you are using an older version of the JavaScript SDK (v1), refer to the Version Migration Guide to migrate to v1.1.
RudderStack Node.js SDK
RudderTyper now also supports TypeScript for generating clients for the Node.js SDK. This feature is available from the RudderTyper version 1.0.0-beta.5 and it is compatible with the Node.js SDK with v1.1.2 or later.
Import the the RudderTyper-generated client and start making calls using RudderTyper as shown:
JavaScript TypeScript
// Import Rudder Node SDK and intialize it
const Analytics = require("@rudderstack/rudder-sdk-node")
const client = new Analytics(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL / v1 / batch)
const ruddertyper = require("./rudderTyperClient")
// Pass in your rudder-sdk-node instance to RudderTyper
analytics: client,
// Issue your first RudderTyper track call
orderID: "ck-f306fe0e-cc21-445a-9caa-08245a9aa52c",
total: 39.99,