Adding a Destination
Step-by-step guide on Adding a Destination in RudderStack to track and route your events.
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Step-by-step guide on Adding a Destination in RudderStack to track and route your events.
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This guide details the steps to add a destination in RudderStack.
Refer to the Connections guide to read more about sources and destinations in RudderStack.
For more information on sources in RudderStack, refer to the Connections guide.
Follow these steps to add an event data source in RudderStack:
Log in to the RudderStack dashboard.
Under Sources, click on Add Source. From the list of sources, click on the source you want to set up in RudderStack.
All the RudderStack sources are classified into the following three categories. Read their respective documentation for more information:
Click on the desired source, assign a name to it, and click Next.
Enter the required source-specific settings as applicable.
Setting up the data sources to ingest data from your cloud apps might require some additional configuration. Refer to the relevant source documentation for more details.
Important: Note the source Write Key. This is required to configure the RudderStack SDK to track and collect events from the source platform.
For more information on destinations in RudderStack, refer to the Connections guide.
To add a destination in RudderStack, follow these steps:
On your dashboard home page, click on the ADD DESTINATION option under Destinations, as shown:
Alternatively, you can also connect your source to a destination as shown:
From the list of destinations, select the desired destination. Assign a name to it and click on Next.
Select the data source for this destination and click on Next.
Configure the destination with the relevant connection settings. Refer to the specific destination documentation for more details on these settings.
RudderStack lets you transform your source events in a destination-specific format through the Transformations feature. Click on the CREATE NEW TRANSFORMATION option to add a transformation. Otherwise, click on Next.
Your destination should now be configured successfully.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when updating a destination:
To rename a destination, click on the edit icon next to the destination name as shown:
To add or change the transformation, go the Transformation tab.
To modify the destination configuration, go to the Configuration tab.
To enable or disable a destination or permanently delete it, go to the Settings tab.
Before deleting a destination, make sure it is disconnected from the source.
For more information or support on Adding a Destination in RudderStack, you can contact us or start a conversation in our Slack community.