Step-by-step guide on setting up Snowflake as a destination in RudderStack.
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Step-by-step guide on setting up Snowflake as a destination in RudderStack.
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Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse provided as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It offers all the modern data warehouse features like scalability, ease of use, secure access to your data, advanced analytics capabilities, and more.
RudderStack lets you configure Snowflake as a destination to seamlessly store your event data.
Refer to the Warehouse Schemas guide for information on how the events are mapped to the Snowflake tables.
Find the open-source transformer code for this destination in the RudderStack GitHub repo.
To enable RudderStack access, make sure you have an ACCOUNTADMIN
, or an account that has the MANAGE GRANTS
The following sections illustrate how to set up a virtual warehouse, a database, a role, and an user in Snowflake:
In your Snowflake console, create a X-Small
Set your data warehouse size as per your data volume requirements.
Alternatively, you can create a new warehouse by running the following SQL commands:
You can set AUTO_SUSPEND
to ~10 mins and enable AUTO_RESUME
to avoid any extra costs.
Create a new database to avoid conflicts with your existing data, as RudderStack creates its own tables while storing your events.
The following image demonstrates the Create Database option in Snowflake.
Alternatively, you can create a new database by running the following SQL command:
Run the following SQL commands to create a new role with the required permissions to load your data into the newly-created warehouse:
Create a new role called RUDDER
Grant access to the warehouse RUDDER_WAREHOUSE
Grant access to the database RUDDER_EVENTS
Finally, create a user to connect RudderStack to the newly-created Snowflake warehouse, as shown:
Alternatively, you can use SQL to create a user in Snowflake, as shown:
To start sending data to Snowflake, you will first need to add it as a destination in RudderStack and connect it to a data source. Once the destination is enabled, the events will automatically start flowing to your Snowflake instance.
Follow these steps to configure your Azure data lake as a destination in RudderStack:
From your RudderStack dashboard, configure the data source. Then, select Snowflake from the list of destinations.
Assign a name to your destination and click on Next.
Enter the following credentials in the Connection Credentials page:
Account: Enter the account ID of your Snowflake warehouse. This account ID is part of the Snowflake URL.
The following examples illustrate the slight differences in the account ID for various cloud providers:
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform
Database: Enter the name of the database created in the Creating a database section above.
Warehouse: Enter the name of the warehouse created in the Creating a virtual warehouse section above.
User: Enter the name of the user created in the Creating a user section above.
Password: Enter the password you set for the above user.
Namespace: Enter the schema name for the warehouse where RudderStack will create all the tables.
If you don't specify any namespace, RudderStack will set this to the source name by default.
Sync Frequency: Specify how often RudderStack should sync the data to your Snowflake warehouse.
Sync Starting At: This optional setting lets you specify the particular time of the day (in UTC) when you want RudderStack to sync the data to the warehouse.
Exclude Window: This optional setting lets you set a time window when RudderStack will not sync the data to the warehouse.
RudderStack lets you configure the following object storage configuration settings while setting up your Snowflake destination:
Use RudderStack-managed Object Storage: Enable this setting to use RudderStack-managed buckets for object storage.
This option is applicable only for RudderStack-hosted data planes. For self-hosted data planes, you will have to specify your own object storage configuration settings.
Choose your Cloud: Select the cloud provider for your Snowflake instance.
Refer to the following settings depending on your cloud provider:
Staging S3 Storage Bucket Name: Specify the name of your S3 bucket where RudderStack will store the data before loading it into Snowflake.
Prefix: If specified, RudderStack will create a folder in the bucket with this prefix and push all the data within that folder.
Storage Integration: Refer to the Configuring Snowflake integration section for details.
AWS Access Key ID: Enter your AWS access key ID obtained from the AWS console.
AWS Secret Access Key: Enter the AWS secret access key. Refer to this Permissions section for more information.
Enable Server-side Encryption for S3: Toggle on this setting to enable server-side encryption for your S3 bucket.
Staging Azure Blob Storage Container Name: Specify the name of your Azure container where RudderStack will store the data before loading it into Snowflake.
Prefix: If specified, RudderStack will create a folder in the bucket with this prefix and push all the data within that folder.
Storage Integration: Refer to the Configuring Snowflake integration section for details.
Azure Blob Storage Account Name: Enter the account name for the Azure container.
Azure Blob Storage Account Key: Enter the account key for your Azure container. Refer to the Blob Storage setup section for more information.
Staging GCS Object Storage Bucket Name: Specify the name of your GCS bucket where RudderStack will store the data before loading it into Snowflake.
Prefix: If specified, RudderStack will create a folder in the bucket with this prefix and push all the data within that folder.
Storage Integration: Refer to the Configuring Snowflake integration section for details.
Credentials: Paste the contents of your GCP service account credentials JSON. The service account should have a role with storage.objectCreator
This section lists the steps required to configure the Storage Integration setting specified in the Configuring the object storage section above, depending on your cloud provider.
If you have Amazon Web Services (AWS) as your cloud provider and want to use S3 as your object storage, you will need to follow a few more steps to configure your cloud storage integration with Snowflake. You can find the detailed instructions in this Snowflake documentation.
Create a policy in AWS: In the following JSON, replace <bucket_name>
and <prefix>
with the name of your S3 bucket and the prefix set in the Configuring the object storage section above, and create the policy with a name of your choice.
Create a role and attach the above policy in AWS: Follow the steps listed below:
Create a role of type Another AWS account.
Enter your AWS account ID and enable the Require External ID option.
For external ID, you can add a dummy value like 0000. This can be modified later.
Attach the policy created in Step 1. Assign a name to this role and keep the role ARN handy for the next step.
Keep this role ARN handy for the next step.
Create the cloud storage integration in Snowflake: Replace <integration_name>
with the name of your choice and <iam_role>
with the role ARN obtained in Step 2 and run the following command:
Record the value for <integration_name>
Retrieve the AWS IAM user for your Snowflake account as shown:
Grant the IAM user permissions to access the bucket objects in AWS. Choose the role you created in Step 2 and edit the trust relationship as shown in the following JSON:
Note that <snowflake_user_arn>
option seen in Step 4, whereas <snowflake_external_id>
Grant integration access to the Snowflake role you created in the Creating a role for RudderStack section by running the following command:
Here, <integration_name>
is the integration created in the Step 3.
If you have Microsoft Azure as your cloud provider and want to leverage Azure Blob Storage as your object storage, you will need to follow a few more steps to configure your storage integration with Snowflake. You can find the detailed instructions in this Snowflake documentation.
Create a storage account and container in Azure: First, create a storage account in Azure. Then, navigate to Storage Explorer > Blob Containers > Create a Blob Container.
Run the following commands to create a cloud storage integration in Snowflake:
You can get your <tenant_id>
by navigating to Azure Active Directory > Properties > Directory ID.
Grant Snowflake access to the storage locations: Run the following command and replace <integration_name>
with the integration name created in Step 2.
Record the values for AZURE_CONSENT_URL
Go to the URL obtained in AZURE_CONSENT_URL
and accept the consent requirements.
Grant Snowflake access to the container: Navigate to Azure Services > Storage Accounts and select the storage account created in Step 1.
Add the role: Navigate to Access Control (IAM) > Add Role Assignment. Select either Storage Blob Data Reader with Read access, or Storage Blob Data Contributor with Read and Write access.
Add Assign Access: Add Service Principal as the security principal type for the role. Search for AZURE_MULTI_TENANT_APP_NAME
that you obtained in Step 3.
Grant integration access to the Snowflake role you created in the Creating a role for RudderStack section by running the following command:
Here, <integration_name>
is the integration you created in Step 2.
If you have Google Cloud Platform as your cloud provider and want to leverage Google Cloud Storage as your object storage, you will need to follow a few more steps to configure your storage integration with Snowflake. You can find the detailed instructions in this Snowflake documentation.
Create a Cloud Storage integration in Snowflake: Run the following command:
Replace <integration_name>
with the name of your Cloud Storage integration, <bucket>
with Staging GCS Object Storage Bucket Name, and <path>
with the prefix set in the Configuring the object storage section above.
The following command retrieves the Cloud Storage service account ID created for your Snowflake account, where <integration_name>
is the integration name you specified in Step 1.
The output of this command will have a property named as STORAGE_GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
. Retrieve this property value. It should be of the format
Grant service account permissions to access the bucket objects: Create a custom IAM role with the required permissions to access the bucket and fetch the objects by following these steps:
Log into the GCP console as a Project Editor.
From the dashboard, go to IAM & Admin > Roles.
Enter the title and description for the custom role.
Filter the following permissions in the Enter property name or value and add them to the list. Then, click on ADD.
Assign the custom role to the Cloud Storage service account:
In your GCP console dashboard, go to Cloud Storage > Browser.
Select the bucket to configure the access.
Select SHOW INFO PANEL in the upper right corner. The information panel for the bucket will pop out.
In the Add Members section, get the service account name from the DESC
command run in Step 2.
From the Select a role dropdown, select Storage > Custom > <role>
, where <role>
is the custom Cloud Storage role.
Click on the ADD button. The service account name will be added to the Storage Object Viewer role dropdown in the information panel.
Grant integration access to the Snowflake role you created in the Creating a role for RudderStack section by running the following command:
Here, <integration_name>
is the integration name you set up in Step 1.
To enable network access to RudderStack, you will need to whitelist the following RudderStack IPs:
If you have your deployment in the EU region, you can whitelist only the following two IPs:
All the outbound traffic is routed through these RudderStack IPs.
For queries on any of the sections covered in this guide, you can contact us or start a conversation in our Slack community.