Snap Pixel

Step-by-step guide to send your event data from RudderStack to Snap Pixel.

The Snap Pixel is a piece of JavaScript code that lets you measure the cross-device impact of your advertising campaigns. It lets you understand how many Snapchat users interact with your website after seeing the ads.

RudderStack supports Snap Pixel as a destination to which you can seamlessly send your event data.

Getting Started

Before configuring Snap Pixel as a destination in RudderStack, verify if the source platform is supported by Snap Pixel by referring to the table below: ̦

Connection Mode




Device mode




Cloud mode




To know more about the difference between Cloud mode and Device mode in RudderStack, refer to the RudderStack connection modes guide.

Once you have confirmed that the source platform supports sending events to Snap Pixel, perform the steps below:

  • From your RudderStack dashboard, add the source. From the list of destinations, select Snap Pixel.

  • Assign a name to the destination and click on Next. You should then see the following screen:

Configuration Settings

To successfully configure Snap Pixel as a destination, you will need to configure the following settings:

  • Snap Pixel ID: Enter your Snap Pixel ID here. To get your Snap Pixel ID, go to your Snap Ads Manager account. Under Events Manager, select View Pixel Details then Setup Pixel. You can find the Pixel ID under Pixel Code, as shown:

Hashing Method: Snap Pixel lets you pass a user parameter (email or phone number) in both hashed and non-hashed format during intialization. If SHA-256 is chosen as an option, RudderStack will hash-encode the provided user parameter.


The Snap Pixel will not be initialized unless the identify call is fired.

RudderStacks checks the cookies for the user parameter (email or phone number) before loading the Snap Pixel snippet. If found, the snippet is loaded. Otherwise, an identify call with the user's email or phone number is required to load the snippet.

In Snap Pixel, the identify call initializes the Snap Pixel code.

For more information on the identify call, check out the RudderStack API spec.

A sample identify call is as shown:

        email: "",
        phone: "+1-202-555-0146"

Either or both of the user parameters should be passed in the identify call. The following table lists the parameters along with the relative mapping to the Snap Pixel parameters:

RudderStack User Parameter

Snap Pixel User Parameter






When the page call is made, RudderStack sends the following:

snaptr("track", "PAGE_VIEW").

You can make the page call with or without the event payload.

For more information on the page call, check out the RudderStack API spec.

A sample page call is as shown:;


The track call lets you send Snap Pixel events.

For more information on the track call, check out the RudderStack API spec.

A sample track call is as shown below:

    rudderanalytics.track('PURCHASE', {
        'currency': 'USD',
        'price': 333.33,
        'transaction_id': '11111111'

You can also send the following RudderStack e-commerce events:

RudderStack event

Snap Pixel event

Order Completed


Checkout Started


Product Added


Payment Info Entered


Promotion Clicked


Promotion Viewed


Product Added To Wishlist


Product Viewed


Product List Viewed


Products Searched


Refer to the Snapchat documentation for more information on the Snap Pixel events.

Snap Pixel supports upto 5 custom events. They are listed in the table below:

Custom Events







Where can I find the Snap Pixel ID?

To get your Snap Pixel ID, go to your Snap Ads Manager account. Under Events Manager, select View Pixel Details then Setup Pixel. You can find the Pixel ID under Pixel Code, as shown:

Contact Us

In case of any issues while configuring or using Snap Pixel with RudderStack, you can contact us or start a conversation in our Slack community.

Last updated