
Step-by-step guide to send your event data from RudderStack to Adjust

Adjust is an industry-leading mobile attribution provider that allows you to bring all your business data together to get powerful insights from it.

RudderStack allows you to configure your mobile devices with our SDKs to send your customer event data to Adjust - without any hassle. You can check the code for Adjust destination on our GitHub for Android and iOS.

Find the open-source transformer code for this destination in our GitHub repo.

Getting Started

Before configuring your source and destination on the RudderStack app, please check whether the platform you are working on is supported by Adjust. Refer to the table below:

Connection Mode




Device mode




Cloud mode




To know more about the difference between Cloud mode and Device mode in RudderStack, read the RudderStack connection modes guide.

Once you have confirmed that the platform supports sending events to Adjust, perform the steps below:

Do not add native Adjust SDK to your project as it will prevent you from successful integration. Please refer to the screenshot below for more details:

Adding Adjust to your project

Depending on your platform of integration, follow the steps below to add Adjust to your project.

iOS Android Unity To add Adjust to your iOS project, please follow these steps:

  • Add the following line to your CocoaPods Podfile

    pod 'Rudder-Adjust'
  • After adding the dependency, you must register the RudderAdjustFactory with your RudderClient initialization as a factory of RudderConfig. To do this, run the following command to import the RudderAdjustFactory.h file in your AppDelegate.m file.

    #import <Rudder-Adjust/RudderAdjustFactory.h>
  • Then, change the SDK initialization to the following:

    RudderConfigBuilder *builder = [[RudderConfigBuilder alloc] init];
    [builder withDataPlaneUrl:DATA_PLANE_URL];
    [builder withFactory:[RudderAdjustFactory instance]];
    [RudderClient getInstance:WRITE_KEY config:[builder build]];

To add Adjust to your Android project, please follow these steps:

  • Add this url to the repositories section of your app/build.gradle file.

    repositories {
  • Add the following line to your app/build.gradle file under dependencies section:

    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.adjust.sdk:adjust-android:4.+'
  • After adding the dependency you must register the RudderAdjustFactory with your RudderClient initialization as a factory of RudderConfig . To do this, import this in your Application class as shown:

  • Finally, change the SDK initialization to the following:

    val rudderClient: RudderClient = RudderClient.getInstance(

To enable Adjust to track your game event data through RudderStack, please follow these steps:

  • First, you will need to add RudderStack's Unity SDK to your project.

    Follow our guide on Getting Started with Unity SDK to know how to do this.

  • Once you have added the SDK to your project, simply download the Adjust SDK extension package from GitHub and import it to your project.

    The package comes with Adjust Unity SDK embedded in it along with the required jar files for Android Install Referrer. We don't recommend adding the Adjust SDK separately.

  • After importing the rudder-unity-extension-adjust.unitypackage to your project, attach the RudderPreferbs.prefab file from RudderUnityPlugin to your main GameObject

  • Finally change the initialization of the SDK using the following code:

    // Build your config
    RudderConfigBuilder configBuilder = new RudderConfigBuilder()
    // Get instance for RudderClient
    RudderClient rudderClient = RudderClient.GetInstance(


When you call identify for tracking user data, RudderStack will call Adjust's addSessionPartnerParameter method to set anonymousId and/or userId so that the value is passed from Adjust to the subsequent calls.

Here is an example:

[[RudderClient sharedInstance] identify:@"developer_user_id"
                                 traits:@{@"foo": @"bar", @"foo1": @"bar1"}];


When you make the track call, RudderStack maps the eventName with the pre-defined list of custom events from Adjust.

You must define the map of Adjust eventToken to eventName in the dashboard. If you don't define the mapping Adjust will not accept the event.

We add all the properties as callbackParameter in the Adjust event.

The following snippet is a simple demonstration of the trackcall:

[[RudderClient sharedInstance] track:@"test_event"
                          properties:@{@"key":@"value", @"foo": @"bar"}];

For revenue event, add the fields total and currency to properties and it will be mapped to Adjust's revenue event.

[[RudderClient sharedInstance] track:@"purchase"
                          properties:@{@"total":@2.99, @"currency": @"USD"}];


if you call reset method, RudderStack will call resetSessionCallbackParameters of the Adjust SDK to reset the user ID as well as the associated traits and properties of that user.

[[RudderClient sharedInstance] reset];

Install Attribution

Adjust's native SDK handles install attribution out of the box with RudderStack. For testing Install Attribution as well as troubleshooting tips, please follow this guide.

Install Attribution is not supported in cloud-mode

Environment and Logging

The Adjust environment depends on the RudderLogLevel. RudderLogLevel.DEBUG or higher will set the environment to Sandbox and logLevel to VERBOSE . For anything below that, the environment will be set to Production and logLevel to ERROR.

Contact Us

If you come across any issues while configuring Adjust with RudderStack, please feel free to contact us. You can also start a conversation in our Slack community; we will be happy to talk to you!

Last updated